Purple Sapphire, also known as Khooni Neelam, Purple Pukhraj, and Violet Sapphire, is a mineral belonging to the Corundum family. Its name suggests that it is purple, with rich colors of bluish-purple and purplish pink. It is considered a rare gemstone with magical properties and a distinct look. However, due to its mystical nature, this stone holds a significant place in astrology. It possesses abilities and spiritual energy that may cure both physical and psychological issues. Its intriguing qualities and look also earned it a specific position in the world of jewelry manufacture.

It is a long-term undervalued gemstone since its characteristics are well-known among people. They are first identified as blue and pink sapphires due to their similar look and feel. Most blue and pink sapphires, on the other hand, are treated with numerous techniques to provide rich color and a distinct look. Nonetheless, Purple Sapphire has a distinct look and illumination that contribute to its market value. Without any chemical treatment, it has interesting hues and a glazing brilliance.

Purple Sapphire Origin

The Khooni Neelam, or Purple Sapphire, is one of the hardest stones, with a Mohs scale density of 9, ranking second among the world's hardest stones. These stones are mined from various places all over the world. Mainly the origins of purple sapphire are - Afghanistan, Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Australia, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, India (Kashmir), Colombia, Mozambique, Cambodia, Rwanda, Thailand, Ethiopia, Kenya, China (Shandong), Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Vietnam, Tanzania, and the United States (Montana). Because of its spiritual power and allure, it is the most sought-after stone on the market.

What is the Reason Purple Sapphire is Called Khooni Neelam?

In many ways, the Purple Sapphire Gemstone, also known as Raktambar Neelam Rakt means blood and Ambar means sky in Hindi, is unrivaled. Unlike blue sapphire, these Khooni Neelam stones have a scarlet undertone that adds to their allure. It gets its name from its likeness to blood (Khoon in Hindi).

Meaning of Purple Sapphire/ Khooni Neelam

Purple Sapphire is a highly prized sapphire and a keystone in astrology that bestows good fortune on the wearer. It has therapeutic properties that soothe the wearer's psyche and treat mental disorders. It is also a helpful stone for removing despair, fear, and worry. It is, nevertheless, a member of the sapphire and corundum mineral families and occurs in a variety of pink and purple tints.

Furthermore, it is not separated into many shapes and varieties, although gem specialists often classify this stone depending on its hue. In the jewelry business and astrology, the deep purple hue is the main variety of stones with high value. This stone, on the other hand, has a color spectrum of pale to dark violet with remarkable saturation and color richness.

When it comes to outstanding Purple Sapphire, the dark violet colored stone rates first. It also has other color ranges, including pink and purple, green, padparadscha, orange and yellow, and colorless and black, with varying color combinations and richness scales. Some are strongly saturated with vibrant hues and command a high market value. A quality Purple Sapphire is considered the most excellent stone to purchase astrologically.

Uses Of Purple Sapphire Gemstone

Sapphire is a professional support stone, and Violet Sapphire, especially in the milder tints, represents sensible leadership and honesty in commercial transactions. As a result, this stone is beneficial to businesswomen and female entrepreneurs.

The stone has a relaxing effect and is believed to strengthen veins and aid in the treatment of blood-related diseases. It aids in the relaxation of the mind and the regulation of the glands.

The stone aids in re-establishing equilibrium and reinforcing trust by removing unneeded anxieties and reducing emotional instability. They also aid in overcoming inferiority complexes and recovering confidence.

The stone opens our portal to the extended world that is far beyond our imagination by activating and balancing the Crown chakra. When this chakra is in harmony, our Energy is as well. We become more aware of our role in the cosmos and learn to embrace the significance and validity of events in our lives.

This diamond, as the stone of awakening, strengthens our spiritual convictions and sharpness. This stone is good for meditation due to its tranquil energy.

Who Should Wear Purple Sapphire?

Purple Sapphire is recognized for its metaphysical characteristics and is an exceptionally versatile and uncommon stone with a high market value. It has a vivid hue and spiritual force that helps an individual regulate their emotions and prevents emotional stress. It also assists the user in boosting their luck and life arrangements.

According to Vedic astrology, it is a stone associated with the Saturn planet. It enhances the wearer's horoscope and the position of the planet in the wearer's horoscope. Because of its dark and brilliant red hue, it is sometimes connected with the planet Mars. Astrologers recommend this stone to persons who are subject to the malevolent effects of Saturn and Mars.

It is also valued as an engagement ring, Because of its vivid and dazzling violet hue. Vedic astrologers prescribe this gemstone to the Virgo Zodiac Sign since it is associated with the Saturn planet. This stone is also advantageous for people seeking new chances and professional elements. It bestows riches, success, and spirituality on its owner.

Purple Sapphire is a blessing for couples since it grants them a wonderful life and strengthens their connection. However, according to some astrologers, this is the only stone that anyone can wear. It assists people in a variety of ways according to their horoscope. It improves a person's eyesight, self-confidence, and spirituality. Wear this stone only with the guidance of an astrologer, as it might have negative consequences. As a result, before wearing this stone, it is best to speak with an astrologer.